Thursday, April 29, 2010


This morning I saw a blackbirdlooking for a place to build a nest.
Both female and male checked out some possibilities.
I was hoping it would be on the birdhouse,
because that is right in front of my kitchenwindow...
giving me a perfect view on all what is goig on.

She choose the birdhouse.
I saw her picking straws , weeds and mosses...
putting them on the roof of the house.
Many times when she flew her flight all the straws and things fell down again.
But after some twenty-something-more straws a kind of nest appeared,
including soft lovely feathers.

birds are great construction workers!

1 comment:

Beth Niquette said...

What beautiful pictures you take! I adore this bird and her building escapades! Perfectly wonderful. How talented you are!