Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 I totally fell in love with the hare, who is still coming everyday. Mostly in the evenings now, however he might be here around in other parts of my garden where I can't see him.

I love his cute little tail, which is black on top and white underneath...Who would think of that, when our Creator was imagining a design for a hare.

and then his soft little cute nose...sooo tender and soft.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Young coal tits

A while ago, I accidentally discovered that the coal tits had made plans for another breed. 

I think it was a second nest this year.

Today I was suddenly seeing that the young were eagerly looking out of the box, ready to take flight. I grabbed my camera and waited behind the window, where I had perfect view on the nestbox.

I did not have to wait long, that I saw the first young fly on the fence. A while later I saw the second one take flight, landing between the leaves of a climbing plant.

Some time later when I was inspecting near the nest I found a third bird sitting quietly in the ivy. 

 I was happy to be right on time to watch the birds take flight.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


I see him almost everyday, feasting on the clovers and grass and some poppy's.

Very interesting however is that he comes to my terrace in the evening. He instals himself near a big plant pot at the end of the my terrace. He then grooms and washes his legs and face on such a adoring manner that my heart melts by seeing him doing so. 

He then lays down and takes a nap...!

I've never heard of that a wild hare takes a nap on a terrace. Mostly they have their sleeping place in a burrow, not near a house.

Does anyone know more about that? If so, please let me know.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Dove bathing

 Dove is taking his summer bath. He is really enjoying it!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Rabbit is a hare

 Rabbit is not a rabbit. he is a hare...

Someone wondered and told me it's not a rabbit. It's a hare....a young one.

Because he is a young hare, he looks a lot like a rabbit. however his ears are longer and his hind legs are  stronger. Now I know, there is no mistake.

He likes flowers a lot. He loves eating some of the campanulas. There are lots of flowers in my garden, so there is enough.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Rabbit 2

Today he was back! my little rabbit. He again feasted on the flowers in the grass and I could see he really liked them. He even took a papaver bud. Just in front of me...It seemed to me he didn't notice me. He then began washing his nose and ears! and even took a nap for a while.

Never saw a wild rabbit that close and so enjoying himself.

Saturday, June 18, 2022


 This morning I had a very special guest visiting my garden.

I think he really liked it and me too.

However most people don't want them in the garden, and that's what I understand as well. He was looking for nice yummy things, like clover and other flowers and then he discovered the poppy's and ate a delightful meal of poppy leaves and flower.

When he noticed me, he suddenly ran away...too shy to have me as an observer, when he has his yummy meal.

Friday, June 17, 2022


 This feels like summer...

Sunday, June 12, 2022


 Such beauty in detail on just a poppy stem and poppy bud. (click image to enlarge)

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Ladybird larva

 I found a ladybird larva on the glass window.

He has no chance to find aphids there, so I moved him and put him on one of my roses, where mostly aphids are feasting on the fresh buds. So I put him there so that he can have a good meal.

Friday, June 03, 2022

Blackbird with yummy food

 The blackbirds have young in the ivy. 

Every time when father blackbird goes to the nest to feed the young, he announces his coming  by singing a short song before he goes to the nest. As if he wants to tell the young he's coming again with delightful yummy food. Even with a beak full of crawly things he is able to sing...without dropping a crumb.

I never have seen that, that a blackbird tells his young he is coming...