Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fluffy caterpillar

Yesterday I was going with my friend F. to the supermarket.
Out of my wheelchair, the world viewing from a lower perspective, I noticed the low and creeping crawly things on the street.

We passed a inkblack beetle
and then a weird looking green fluffy caterpillar.
I took him with me in a plastic bag…to find out more about his name.
The caterpillar suddenly had another higher, view from this plastic bag,
seeing a supermarket from the inside.
Later at home I opened the bag in my studio.
First he was a fluff ball, which unfolded slowly when he thought to be safe.
He started walking over my table and later he inspected a bag of spicenuts.
After some photo's, we put him outside under an oak, which he seemed to like better than supermarket nuts.

His name?  Pale Tussock Moth, Meridians borstel, ( Calliteara Pudibunda) 

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