Monday, August 22, 2011

Save the Queen 3

When I walked through my garden,
seeking an object for my camera.
I wanted something on macro,
so I inspected my plants for little insects, slugs or spiders
or who-ever wanted to pose for my lense.

Then to my amazement, I noticed the caterpillars of the Swallowtail, (Koninginnepage), (Papilion Machaon) on the Foeniculum (bronzen venkel)
I had seen the Swallowtail-butterfly flying around a while ago
on July 21
I hoped this Swallowtail I had seen, was a she, so that she would lay some eggs.
Now one month later there are 6 big caterpillars and 0ne small one.(last photo)
That makes it to 7 caterpillars!
such a present!

1 comment:

Mannie said...

Leuk. Het lijkt wel alsof ze een vast plekje gevonden hebben. Misschien weten ze op een of andere manier dat ze hier veilig zijn/geholpen worden de winter door.
Dat leidt tot de vraag 'wat ga je deze winter doen?'