Saturday, February 28, 2009

two robins

This morning I got proof....!
definitely I saw 2 robins doubt.
The singing worked...a beloved is around.

But who is who?
When do I see the one...when is it the other ?
I cannot tell the difference yet.
I compared different shots... to be able to see more closely.

which one is the female...and which one is the male.
who can tell?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

robin singing2

Iis so nice to see..when robin sings..
you can see the changing, movements of the rounding of his breast.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

singing robin

My favorite robin is gently singing
a song for himself all day long.
I recorded a small particle...
he is singing for me and you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This morning, I did my roundabout through my garden.
Spring in the air...birds singing...
looking here, looking there...seeing that crocus come out...snowdrops everywhere.

I brushed away a leaf that had fallen on my shouder.
I didn't go.
brushed again.... now looking....
Oh...! what's that...That's not possible...
Yet it was..!
A green butterfly sat on my shoulder.. . a brimstone (citroenvlinder)(Gonepteryx rhamni)
wings folded like a leaf...
I put it off my shoulder...on my table...
for a better look...inspection time.

As I wondered in awe...this is way to early...or not?
too cold outside..I took him inside on my hand.
because of the warmth inside, he started trembling...flapping his wings....
oh my!

immediately I saw him in my minds eye hanging in the curtains,
what will not do him any good.
so, before he flew away, I put him outside again...
and off he was!

Monday, February 23, 2009


female finch sitting a bit daydreaming on a branch,
waiting for his turn on the feedingtable.
seems he has a lot of patience.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

red pill

Tommy went to the vet yesterday,
for a dentalproblem.
Two days before I went for a consult..because he was bad eating...vomiting...for a while.
so not good for a cat.
He didn't like the journey in the car, lots of a lamenting meowing ...
so sorry!
Now he is recovering and has to swallow for some days half of a big red pill.
Of course, he won't eat it like this...
I make it a yummypackage...wrapped in liver-sausage.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Robin came along as well,
sitting on his favorite spot on the 2 birds.
He also got a flock of snow, as a small white crown on his head.


It started snowing again a little bit, this afternoon.
A blackbird came sitting in the feedingplate on the table.
Sitting there for a while, kind of daydreaming, looking around.

Little flocks of snow falling on his black suit
which started to melt into drops,

then turning into a crown of diamonds on his head.

(click-click to see closer)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

snailmail from heaven

In my snailmail box I received last week, a present straight from heaven...!
Little pieces of heaven, as the package promised...
sweet clouds of vanille & choco.
First the clouds rained ...because of the timing they arrived.
Because of my severe backinjury, now one year ago,

I know now,.... Heaven knows.

Monday, February 16, 2009

singing birds

The birds in my garden think its spring.
They sing and sing, tjeep and if springtime definitely has begun,
though the wheather does not look like spring at all.
Its a drizzling damp day today.
I hope/wish they are right, can't wait for spring to come.

I heard robin singing
After scanning some trees, following the sound,
There he was, high up in a tree.
He sings like no other bird.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Its always so cute to see Tommy washing himself.
he can do this like no other cat can.
so total away... in the washing...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Robin comes everyday at the feedingtable.
Mostly when I dont look.

But sometimes he does not mind,
when I sit with my camera trying to hide behind the open door.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

garland of geese

A garland of geese meandering in the air.

Monday, February 09, 2009

blinking owl

The other owl (one of the six in the other trees)
the one who had his eyes open,
now sat a little higher....
he pretended sleeping...only he happened to blink so now and then. (at us)


Yesterday, I could not resist to have a look at the owls again.
When I arrived at the spot,
at the same time, my friends A.&S. whom I had told where the owls sat,
happened to arrive at the same time...
so we had a spontaneous meetingpoint at "Owlsplace".

There were only a few owls at home.
One sat perfectly camouflaged against the bark of a birchtree.
hardly to be seen...
I think Owl knows exactly what kind of coat he wears.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

ice drops on snowdrops

This morning after a freezing night
there appeared beautiful icedrops on the snowdrops


frosted bud and frosted drop

Friday, February 06, 2009

longeared owl awake

Of course I hoped the longeared owl would open his eyes,
I knew they have beautiful big yellow/orange eyes...

Next to the first tree were more owls! at least 5 to 6
And some were awake...
As this one, perfectly perched, looking, staring at me.......big yellow eyes....
first ears up...later ears down...this time not because of the wind.

sleepy owls

Today on my fathers birthday, I heard there were longeared owls very closeby!

Perfect day with beautiful sunshine,
I decided to grabb the owl by the ears.
Which is a free translation of the expression...'to take the bull by the horns'
so I drove along.
On first sight they looked like woodpigeons roosting in a tree
but at closer look they were definitely longears!
Sitting in a perfect tree...without lots of hiding branches
Both were sleeping, dozing away.
ears being blown by the wind.
(click-click images for closer view)

Thursday, February 05, 2009


On my way back I saw packs of geese, ducks and other birds,
having dinner on a meadow near the water.
Some decided its time to go flying...
Accompanied with many sounds flying along thru the air.