Wednesday, April 12, 2006

iwings domainname

As the landrush for eu.domainnames was opened last week on april 7th.
I was one of the first to claim my eu-domain for my website i2c.
It was mentioned that one million people in Holland claimed names..
so what numbers for all the world will register?

Unfortunately there was a miscommunication.
and the result of that (in short) was that my claim was overtaken by another company.
Rather disappointed I was when I discovered the situation.
So now I claimed as my domain.
so my website changed name , but not content.
its going to be:
instead of the long URL that noone can remember.
Hope tonight the redirection will be done on the server as I was promised.


Anonymous said...

The redirection works, but you will have to change all your links, I think...
Until now I've never seen 'photos' work - I always get an empty page. Is that correct?

iwings said...

yes the photo-page is still empty that's correct so far.
I'm stillworking/building/constructing on the site and upload and change from time to time.. till i think it has wings.
photos will come...
i'll have a closer look at the links.
greetings; iwings