Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Middle Spotted Woodpecker

This morning I noticed a woodpecker on the peanut container. Which I had not seen them doing before.

Also I thought...hmmm... this one looks much smaller than the ones I mostly see in my garden.

When I grabbed my camera he flew away. Some time later he was there again and was able to make some pics. I was sure it was not the normal woodpecker I always see. This one has a white face (the other woodpeckers have a black stripe and black on the head as well) and this one was smaller and also has a longer red stripe on his head...

So I looked it up...It's a middle spotted woodpecker.(Dendrocoptes medius) Never have seen this one before and he is also more rare.

So I was very happy to have this one in my garden!


Marjorie said...


Mannie said...

Wat leuk!