Monday, September 26, 2022


Heliconus Sara (Kleine passiebloemvlinder) 

Heliconius charitonius (Zebra passiebloemvlinder) 

Heliconius  cyndo (Passion vine butterfly) (Passiebloemvlinder)

Hypolimnas bolina(Weerschijnvlinder)

Passionvine butterfly (Passiebloem vlinder)

Siproeta stelenes (Malachietvlinder)

Siproeta stelenes (Malachietvlinder)

Passion vine butterfly?

Caligo eurilochus (Owl butterfly) (Uilvlinder)

Yesterday I was in a butterfly garden. There were such beauties, most of them are imported as cocoon from the Philippines.

I don't know all their names. The ones I could find I wrote the latin names under it.

When anyone knows more names, please feel free to let me know.


Nancy said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Henny! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful creatures God has made! And He gave you the eyes to see and capture! Linda from Monday class