Seeing this dove, trying to have a bath, it gives me a real feel of summer.
I was waiting for him to fall in, but unfortunately he did not.
I was waiting for him to fall in, but unfortunately he did not.
He has yummy food in his beak for the young.
I saw are at least 3 young coming to the feeding basket.
I just had put some oatmeal in the basket and within seconds they were there.
It seems the woodpeckers have young and with a beak full of oatmeal the parent flew off to feed his baby's.
To my surprise there are coming almost every day, 2 goldfinches in my garden for a drink and sometimes a bath as well.
These are fantastic birds.
Beautiful red colors in their face and a bright yellow on their wings.
They always remind me of the famous painting of Carel Fabricius, who painted a goldfinch being imprisoned. Tied with a chain on his leg. This goldfinch also had to tap water with a thimble.
I identified myself with this bird. not being able to fly and how awful that must be.
When I see these birds in my garden, my heart arises with a leap of joy!
No strings attached to his legs. Free to fly! and free to have a drink!
Especially in this time, being free is one of the most treasured values in my eyes.