Monday, March 30, 2015

Clever Woody

This woody has a different approach.
He sits right in front of the jar in a stable position.
Its so funny to see how birds have their own ways of solving problems.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Clumsy woodpecker

This morning while having my morning coffee,
I noticed a woodpecker, I had not seen before.
This one was rather clumsy, he acted so different than the ones I normally see coming in the birdfeeder.
He tumbled around on the branch as an acrobat showing his acts.
It was so very funny to see how he tried to fix his claws on the branch and jar.


Later he found out, that he could fix his claw as well on the iron feeder and the branch.
From then on, he had learned how to deal with the problem
so he did not show his acrobatic tumbling and turnarounds anymore.
Somehow that was a pity, it was so funny!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Nuthatch tweet

Nuthatch is tweeting all day long.
I think he has twittered the most of all today.
His very high pitch tones resonate all over the place.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


The nuthatch has decided to have his young in one of my nestboxes.
Last week he has been busy narrowing the entrance of the house.
In between he is bringing in the furniture.
And his lovely bright tweet is heard al over the place.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Time out

In between the construction work the robins have time out,
just arround the corner.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

More funiture

Today the robins brought some more furniture in the house.
He was willing to show it from all sides!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Robin's arrangements

I awoke early this morning.
Curious I looked out of the window to see if the robins were still there...

Both robins were very busy making arrangements in the birdhouse.
Big pieces of moss were carried in the house.
The house is full with leaves an moss now.
I am so happy, to see these precious moments.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Robin making arrangements

This morning, I could not believe my eyes.
I noticed that the robins are planning to house in the nestbox on my fence!
This is what I hoped for, for many, many years.
A robincouple nesting in my garden and to be able to follow them.

They always planned their nest in my neighbors garden, all those years,
hidden and far away from my sight.
Only one time, many, many years ago, I had a robin nesting in the window of my bathroom.
When I stood on the bathtub, I could peak just a little bit in the nest.
That was so amazing!

The nestbox is near the window, so I have to be careful, not to disturb them.
I saw that they brought in some moss and a few leaves this morning.
I do hope the nesting arrangements will succeed and continue.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Robins expressions

I like the many different expressions of my favorite bird.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Robin from both sides

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blue-tit's pondering

Blue-tit sitting in the wisteria tree, thinking about nesting in a nearby nestbox.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Robin looking..


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Out of hibernation

Todau it was springtime...lovely springish weather...though the official calender says otherwise.
All the buzz buzz...were out!
I saw the first ladybirds, the first butterflies, the first bees and the first bumbles coming out today.