wishing you Allllllllllllllllllllvisitors on my blog.............
good reflections on 200seven .....when 7 is fading away. joyfull changing gears into twothousandandeight for every day....... His joy...peace, and all other good things that you desire for....
& Gods love for you be tangible, when you w8 for Him.
It was an amazing sight, almost a week ago, I had so many photos that I forgot to post them right then. it was as if all the branches had put on an amazing beautiful fir-coat. I've never seen that before!
Today, surprise surprise......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I receivedfrommy publisher in Germany, thecardfrommy bathing robin.
Itsalways a surprise, because I don'tknowwhat kind of texttheyaddedtothecard, andhowitwill look like in print... whatcolor enveloppe....etceteraetc. and of courseits in German Is saysfreetranslated: beingcheerful, doinggood, andlettingthebirdssing. The cards will be sold in the shops in spring 2008. for more informationand order, visit website: Kunst UndBild publisher
One of my dreams, for a long... long time is: to have cards published from my paintings (see www.iwings.eu) This summer I decided to jump into the deep waters, not knowing where this journey will lead me.
I only knew I wanted to do it, and just start with the beginnings So I made preparations to find out all the hows, where's do's and don'ts. I faced many mountains of obstacles. For me I am not such an organised person, actualy to be honest, I hate planning and organising things.
But now the cards are ready to be printed and I expect them to be printed end of this month.
If you are interested for buying : please sent email. the cards are going to be wrapped in beautiful enveloppes, matching perfectly with the card .
I planned to drive around, and try to shoot a buzzard, with my camera. while driving around I found out all buzzards were not at home. nowhere to be seen nor heard. no buzzard sitting on their post.
all in hiding only driving along with no camera, they are on their watchposts...
drove along a meadow with some sheep instead of coming home 'empty-carded' I took a shot of this big horn click-click for nice view
Between dream and deed is only the little word 'and'
While talking about our dreams, with my friend R.at the Bee, (where we regulary meet to update) she found this card, which exactly illustrated our day.!
I lovesnailmail... since email...snailmailreallygets rare
Today I receivedfrommyfriend A. her owncardwith her ownsnailmailstamp as I mentioned in 'some-X-blogs' ago, we in Holland can do that. I don'tknowaboutothercountriesifthis is possible But we are luckysincesome-timeto make yourown
There are somany 'not-so-beautiful-stamps'... it is greatto have yourown. before, I alwayswenttothe postoffice andboughtones I liked. Nobodyorfewthinkthat is important. but I do.