Monday, September 16, 2024



It's squirrel time again. 
Nuts are ripe and squirrel is busy finding them and put them in storage places in my garden.
This year I found a lot of young walnut-trees in my garden, which he had not eaten.
Maybe he wanted them to grow to trees for more nuts later, when this trees are grown-up there are growing more nuts!

This year the walnut tree of my neighbour has a bad year. almost no nuts on the tree.

I still have some last-year nuts which I throw out so now and then, for him to find.
So lovely to see him again.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Caterpillar Buff-tip


Today while cleaning a birdbath, I noticed on the corner of the bath, a soaked wet caterpillar, He was very wet and he tried to get away out of the water. So I took him out.

I remembered I had seen this kind of caterpillar years ago, but did not remember which specie it was. I saved him from the water and put him on a dry spot. 

He looked to me rather big so he might be soon cocooning. He is a caterpillar of the Buff-tip, (Wapendrager)(Phalera bucephala).