Friday, August 23, 2024

happy bunnies

doodle: 2 happy bunny's jumping up in the air.
It looks to me like a happy bunny-dance...abun-dance!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Blackbird molting & bathing

 This morning a molting blackbird came along for a bath. 

He looks quite undone and scruffy and messy.

We sometimes look the same way, when we are having a bath...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hedgehog party

 One of my friends has a hedgehog in her garden. 

She has bought last year a hedgehog-house and now the hedgehog sleeps in the house all winter and summer. On top of that, she feeds him(or her) every night with some yummy hedgehog-food. Which (s)he loves very much. 

The last few weeks there is a visitor and now both hedgehogs are feasting on the yummy food and each other. Would there soon be hedgehog babies?

Even the snails are happy, not to be snacked for dinner.

I will send her this partycard in anticipation.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 Found back an unfinished doodle I made some time ago.

Somehow it got hidden under a pile of papers. I added some colors and there it is...

Happy bunnies.

Monday, August 05, 2024




I noticed that one of my roses, had blossomed again!

This is  gorgeous rose...the colors the fragrance is exactly how I love it! I put the rose in a vase to be able to enjoy it during the day. 

I noticed that a crawly creature had delighted in the leaves and wrote a song in them.