Saturday, October 28, 2017

Frogg 2

Leopold pondered, while sipping his coffee, that this was different in the past.
Back than he was running and going very, very fast.
Going here and everywhere, delivering mail on every door, always in time.

and the days in his early youth,
when he won the snailracing championship
racing with time and winning!

But now he is so happy that he has more than enough time.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Frogg 1

This is Leopold.
He is sitting in his garden under the shadow of his oak.
Sipping his coffee and looking, looking here and there.
Not doing anything in particular.
This sounds kind of boring but for him it is not.
He loves looking around, then you see things that are mostly hidden.
When running and rushing you mostly don't see anything.
So Leopold takes his time.

Friday, October 20, 2017


A few days ago, the weather was great, with lots of sunshine.
Several ladybirds were gone out for a walk.
Wandering over the walls and window of my house.
Some were walking to high for me to make a picture,
but these two were willing to pose.

Monday, October 16, 2017

and some more beauties

 Aricia agestis , Brown argus , bruin blauwtje

Colias Croceus, Clouded Yellow, Oranje Lucerne vlinder

Colias Croceus, Clouded Yellow, Oranje Lucerne vlinder

Pieris brassicae,  Large Cabbage White, Groot Koolwitje

 Rieris Rapae, Small Cabbage White, Klein Koolwitje,


Maybe you might know their names?
please let me know.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Some more French butterflies

Some more butterflies from France.
I tried to find their names, which makes it easier to recognise them.
However, some I find hard to determine.

 Maniola Jurtina, Meadow Brown, Bruin zandoogje

 Lyaena Phlaeas, Small Copper,Vuurvlinder,
not sure about the two bottom ones, the dots are too many

Mesoacidalia Aglaja, Dark green Fritillary,  Parelmoervlinder,

Clossiana Euphrosyne, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Zilveren vlek of     
Clossiana Selene, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Zilveren maan

Issoria lathonia,  The Queen of Spain fritillary, Parelmoervlinder.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

grasshopper and crickets

I don't know very much about grasshoppers or crickets.
To be honest, I don't like them very much.
Hopping or jumping before your feet when you walk though the grass.
Unexpected and suddenly these critters jump before you know it in your shoes...
Some even had some blueish wings.
But they only showed these wings when hopping and not as they sit still.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Blues and Browns

I found lots of blue butterflies and also brown ones.
Mostly sunbathing in the early morning
To find out which is who and who is which, you have to look at the dots.

Polyommatrus Icarus, Common Blue, Icarus Blauwtje.
Aricia Agestis, Brown Argus, Bruin Blauwtje
I found a photo on the web of Stefan Hermans,
who made a clear explanation to find out about the difference.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Great banded Grayling

At first I had no clue, what kind of butterfly was flying around.
It landed on the figs to have something to eat.
But during his stay on the figs, he did not show his wings on the inside, which would be easier to find out his name.
However during flight I could see he was dark brown with a white band across the wings.

But google knows almost everything, so I found his name.
A Great Banded Grayling, Brintesia Circe, or Witband zandoog.

I wonder if the ones sitting on the ground is the same butterfly.
This one is less dark.

Monday, October 09, 2017


On the road to France,
we met these beautiful french sparrows.
They were very happy with some dutch leftovers.